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About Asian Global Foundation

The Asian Global Foundation is founded by Dr. Sheetal Anil Dhawale and Adv. Anil Ramdas Dhawale. Dr Sheetal Anil Dhawale is practicing medicine and Mr. Anil Ramdas Dhawale is Assistant professor of Physics. The founders got inspired by Bhagwan Mahavir and Mahatma Gandhis’s prophetic vision.Bhagwan Mahavir once said “The more a person possesses in wordly wealth the more he may be unhappy and more likely he is to commit sin, both physically and mentally”.Mahatma Gandhi, a staunch environmentalist once said “there is enough to everybody’s need but not for anybody’s greed” The founders are deeply influenced by deteriorating educational and health condition of poor people especially women and children in rural and tribal part of Maharashtra, urban Conglomerates, and slums. They finally came to conclusion that the solution of every present problem lies in sustainable development in every aspect of human life.
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Activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with
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Activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with
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Activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with
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Activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with